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The age of independents

Creating a community, injecting their personality into the club and going beyond the call of duty to support members are common themes among successful independents. Kath Hudson reports

By Kath Hudson | Published in Health Club Handbook 2017 issue 1

Fitness for those in need

Mickii Edwards Weight
Loss Academy, UK

Mickii Edwards
Mickii Edwards

Former rugby league player Mickii Edwards chooses to drive a Mini rather than a Range Rover, so he can plough more money into his club and give free memberships to people who need them, including those with cancer and chronic heart disease.

Everyone is given a fitness test when they join, and all members are then closely monitored using MYZONE. “I know how many calories they’re burning, what zone they’re in, and if they’re in pain and need to back off,” says Edwards.

“They come to the club four times a week and, as they’re assessed regularly and the work is stepped up on each visit, they’re always progressing. Outside of the gym, they’re asked to take photos of what they eat and drink, so I can keep track of their diet. If they eat fewer calories than they burn off, they’ll get results.”

And they do get results – some of them losing more than 10 stone (63.5kg) – not just because of Edwards’ constant support (people text him menus if they go out for a meal), but also because of the Facebook community through which members share advice and support. Every Monday there’s a weigh-in and a therapy session.

Launched in January 2015, the club has a studio upstairs and a gym downstairs. At peak times three classes are run, frequently including a children’s session so that the parents are able to work out.

Located in a deprived area of Lancashire, England, Edwards says there’s nothing in the area for people to do, so there are big social problems, with children as young as 14 taking drugs. Edwards has brought in psychologists and therapists to give education on healthy eating, as well as talks on alcohol and drug addiction.

Every other Friday, Edwards also organises an activity with a big group of young children, aiming to engage them in a healthy lifestyle while they’re young.

Edwards steps up the client workout every visit to maintain progress
Edwards steps up the client workout every visit to maintain progress

Fireman brand

Firehouse Fitness, UK

Former fire fighters McGuigan and Roebuck
Former fire fighters McGuigan and Roebuck

Former Sheffield fire fighters Rob McGuigan and Dennis Roebuck met at work and, sharing a love of health and fitness, started working out together on-shift. They incorporated calisthenics, Tabata, HIIT and functional training.

The route to opening their own club was driven by customer demand: they were approached by a colleague’s wife to train her and some friends. As word got around and more people joined the sessions, they rented a school gym three times a week.

Still more people joined, so in February 2015 they took the plunge. Located in a former warehouse, Firehouse Fitness spans 4,000sq ft (372sq m), which is divided into a functional training area and a gym, complete with free weights and cardio equipment supplied by SportsArt.

The vast majority of members come for the 45-minute coached sessions, of which there are seven a day. Despite being in a competitive fitness sector, membership is growing month by month.

“The whole thing has just exploded,” says McGuigan. “People seem very comfortable with us and are getting great results. We recommend that people come to work out three times a week, but lots of them come five times and some even come twice a day – before and after work.”

The membership is currently skewed towards women, with a 70/30 split. The majority are aged 26 to 35 years, although some are older. It costs £7 per class, or £34.50 a month for unlimited access.

The club has already evolved, with one extension and two add-on services: physiotherapy and meal preparation.

“People can pay £15 to have all their measurements taken and a bespoke diet programme put together,” says McGuigan. “They can either cook the meals themselves or buy them ready prepared for £5, to collect after their workout.”

The Firehouse Fitness team is now looking to replicate the success with a second, much bigger, site in Leeds measuring 14,000sq ft (1,300sq m). A franchise business is also being considered, but to maintain brand values, all the franchisees will have to be trained fire fighters.

Former fire fighters McGuigan and Roebuck offer seven 45-minute coached sessions a day, physiotherapy and meal preparation
Former fire fighters McGuigan and Roebuck offer seven 45-minute coached sessions a day, physiotherapy and meal preparation

Scientific approach

LifeLab, UK

Adam Daniel
Adam Daniel

We’re not interested in the aesthetics of looking good. LifeLab is about focusing on health, not image,” says founder Adam Daniel. “Our underlying philosophy is ‘train the human being, not the human body’.”

Based in affluent Chislehurst, Kent, England, LifeLab officially launched in October 2016. Two squash courts have been converted into two studios: one for small group training and one for PT.

The group training studio is kitted out with 10 Queenax units, TRX, TRX rips, Dynamax medicine balls, kettlebells, barbells and dumbbells. The PT studio has a Matrix power rack and lifting platform, a half rack, a Matrix Functional Trainer, two Wattbikes and a high-performance Power Plate.

Technology is integral to the offer: MYZONE to monitor workouts and improve motivation with monthly challenges; Boditrax to analyse data to improve the lifestyle of clients outside the gym; and First Beat to measure metrics like stress levels and sleep patterns, enabling the fitness team to create a strategy to help clients manage their own stress levels.

The upstairs gallery has been converted into a fuel lab, serving wholesome natural brands of drinks and snacks like energy bars. There are plans to make smoothies using fruit and veg from Daniel’s own allotment.

Six 45-minute HIIT or tribe team training sessions run daily, and as the membership grows, so will the number of classes. Classes cost £20 on a pay-as-you-go basis, with discounts for block-buy purchases.

“The age of our members ranges from students up to a 59-year-old. We have slightly more women than men, but as more men are starting to understand the concept, this split is changing. We’re also planning to work with local sports teams and promising young sports people,” says Daniel.

LifeLab has also teamed up with Loughborough University in Leicestershire, England, to offer students placements so they can gain practical industry experience.

Phase two will come on-stream this year. as the gym is based in a football club, in five acres of land, there are plans to develop a large outdoor group training area and recreate sports team-style training sessions aimed at 30- to 50-year-old men.

"Our underlying philosophy is ‘train the human being, not the human body’"

The LifeLab studio offers both group training (above) and personal training
The LifeLab studio offers both group training (above) and personal training

Aesthetically driven

Advantage Fitness, UK

Owner Chris Griffiths (middle)
Owner Chris Griffiths (middle)

Advantage Fitness is an aesthetically driven gym and we unashamedly set out to help our members change their body shape,” says owner Chris Griffiths. “We live in an aesthetically driven world. In my experience, whenever you ask anyone about their goals for joining a health club, it’s because they want to look better: being more fit and toned is a by product.”

Through offering effective personal training, nutritional advice and support to change behaviours, Advantage Fitness prides itself on helping its members to achieve fantastic body transformations.

A large percentage of members work with a personal trainer, who maintain consistent contact points across the week, either in person, by text or phone.

“However, we help all members obtain great results, even if it isn’t at the level of those having personal training. With our induction process and the way the reception is positioned, we talk with all our members on a regular basis,” says Griffiths.

For those living outwith the immediate catchment area, but who are serious about transforming their physique, distance mentoring is also offered, directing nutrition and training to the desired outcome.

Originally, the 4,200sq ft (390sq m) site was divided into a studio, a spin studio, a gym and two injury clinics but, following feedback from members, it has evolved into one massive gym and a large injury clinic.

The 70 workout stations comprise mainly resistance equipment, but there is also a large cardio zone. “All our equipment is colour coded to correspond to the body part that it works out,” says Griffiths.

“As well as making the gym user-friendly, the colours create a striking visual impact. We believe ourselves to be the first gym in the world to take this approach.”

Owner Chris Griffiths has installed equipment that’s colour-coded to the body part it works out
Owner Chris Griffiths has installed equipment that’s colour-coded to the body part it works out

Urban workout

Street Workout Place, Switzerland

Thomas Rindisbacher
Thomas Rindisbacher

Street Workout is an edgy, urban sport that uses bodyweight in a creative way: think parkour on monkey bars. Owner Thomas Rindisbacher, along with his brothers Roman and Michael and friend Eric Manser, have popularised the concept in Switzerland, getting council funding for 12 installations in parks around the country. Creating a gym to train indoors was therefore a natural progression.

Launched in December 2015 in Zurich, Street Workout Place has a workout area of around 200sq m (2,150sq ft), comprising two Street Workout parks with equipment designed by the team and built by Swiss company Alder + Eisenhut.

“There are low bars, high bars, monkey bars and parallel bars, which allow more than 300 different exercises to be undertaken,” says Rindisbacher.

“No additional weights are required. Street Workout uses a variety of exercises to work on the upper and lower body, and the core, as well as incorporating dynamic movements and holding movements.”

Rindisbacher says the customer journey was an important consideration when designing the club: “We wanted to make sure our members have a great experience, so firstly we wanted to be open 24 hours a day. This is common in a lot of places, but very unusual in Switzerland”.

Gantner technology has allowed for an all-in-one membership card which can grant entry to the club, operate lockers and facilitate all food and drink purchases.

The club is manned between 9.00am and 9.00pm, during which time a few coached sessions are also offered.

Alternatively, people can come and freestyle. Out-of-hours, a 42-inch touchscreen monitor offers interactive content.

Membership is €53 a month and members pay for a whole year upfront, which is common in Switzerland.

Rindisbacher says the concept is appealing to a modern, urban demographic who like to challenge themselves and don’t want to do a standard workout. The main audience is aged 20 to 40 years, with slightly more men than women (55/45 split).

“It’s been brilliant to see a community develop,” Rindisbacher says. “Members have formed groups and visit together, support each other and socialise. Street Workout is a lifestyle, not just a sport. It’s great to see this happening in our club.”

Rindisbacher has popularised creative urban workouts in Zurich
Rindisbacher has popularised creative urban workouts in Zurich
Sign up here to get HCM's weekly ezine and every issue of HCM magazine free on digital.
A selection of innovative projects from independent operators
Weight Loss Academy, UK Firehouse Fitness, UK LifeLab, UK Advantage Fitness, UK Street Workout Place, Switzerland,Weight Loss Academy, UK Firehouse Fitness, UK LifeLab, UK Advantage Fitness, UK Street Workout Place, Switzerland independent operators, Health and Fitness
HCM magazine
From payments to virtual classes, software integrations can take your operation to the next level. Providers tell us about their most in-demand offerings
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It’s time to start the conversation about pelvic health. It’s not just menopausal women who have challenges: young women and men can also experience issues they’re too embarrassed to discuss or seek help for, as Kath Hudson reports
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Fuel the debate about issues across the industry and share your ideas and experiences. We’d love to hear from you: [email protected]
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When retailer, the €11 billion-a-year Colruyt Group, decided to get into the health club market, the plan was to fully integrate its entire business using customer insight data. The results are remarkable
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Teca StandUp is an exciting line, bringing something genuinely new to gyms
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At the heart of the Sydney Swans new headquarters in Australia is an elite player-focused training facility by strength equipment specialist BLK BOX
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Sustainability in the fitness industry is coming on in leaps and bounds as more operators refurbish their gym equipment to save money and the planet
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A major refurbishment of Sport Ireland Fitness by Technogym has created a world-class public gym at the home of Irish sport
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Life Fitness has reimagined cardio with the launch of its Symbio line which has been designed with advanced biomechanics and offers deep levels of customisation
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Coaching workshops from Keith Smith and Adam Daniel have been designed to empower your team and transform your service
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Epassi, a provider of workplace wellness benefits, is creating a fitter and more productive workforce, one membership at a time 
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D2F had updated its brand styling to keep pace with business growth. MD, John Lofting and operations director, Matt Aynsley, explain the rationale
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Latest News
More than 200 organisations and athletes in the UK have signed an open letter to ...
Latest News
Diversity, equity and inclusion in the European fitness industry is examined in a new report ...
Latest News
Following the success of its first site in Whitefield, Total Fitness is launching a purpose-built ...
Latest News
David Beckham and F45 Training have finally settled the breach-of-contract lawsuit around Beckham’s ambassadorial agreement ...
Latest News
Apple has previewed the upcoming watchOS 11, which has more health and fitness insights and ...
Latest News
With just a few weeks until the General Election, CIMSPA – the organisation that represents people ...
Latest News
Co-founders of specialist gym and fitness wear company, WIT Fitness, have returned to the brand ...
Latest News
Basic-Fit has signed an agreement to sell five Holmes Place clubs it acquired as part ...
Featured supplier news
Featured supplier news: Explosion of passion for fitness at RiminiWellness 2024 and record success for Panatta
The passion for fitness and bodybuilding reached new heights at the Panatta stands during RiminiWellness (30 May – 2 June 20204) – the largest fitness event in Italy – which this year exceeded the 100,000 visitor mark.
Featured supplier news
Featured supplier news: CoverMe Fitness launches in Australian market
CoverMe Fitness, the studio management app for the fitness industry, has launched in Australia, with industry veteran Tony Zonato as managing director for the region.
Company profiles
Company profile: Seca
As the world market leader of medical measuring and weighing we take body composition analysis ...
Company profiles
Company profile: PSLT Ltd
PSLT Fitness Solutions manufacture, remanufacture and buy back commercial gym equipment. We supply and maintain ...
Supplier Showcases
Supplier showcase - Matrix: Futureproofing
Supplier Showcases
Supplier showcase - Safe Space: Delivering the vision
Catalogue Gallery
Click on a catalogue to view it online
Featured press releases
GYMNATION press release: GymNation celebrates double victory at UAE Employee Happiness Awards
GymNation, the UAE’s largest gym chain, is proud to announce its outstanding achievements at the UAE Employee Happiness Awards.
Featured press releases
seca Ltd press release: Seca Tru and Physical bring best-in-class body composition analysis to gyms
Seca Tru is delighted to announce a new UK partnership with fitness market leader Physical. The agreement will see Physical distribute the Seca Tru product across the breadth of the UK fitness industry.
Crown Sports Lockers: Lockers
Total Vibration Solutions / TVS Sports Surfaces: Flooring
Spa software
SpaBooker: Spa software
Salt therapy products
Himalayan Source: Salt therapy products
TechnoAlpin SpA: Snowroom
Art of Cryo: Cryotherapy
Property & Tenders
Cleveland Lakes, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire
Cotswold Lakes Trust
Property & Tenders
Loughton, IG10
Knight Frank
Property & Tenders
Diary dates
03-05 Sep 2024
IMPACT Exhibition Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Diary dates
08-10 Sep 2024
Wyndham® Lake Buena Vista Disney Springs™ Resort, Lake Buena Vista, United States
Diary dates
19-19 Sep 2024
The Salil Hotel Riverside - Bangkok, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Diary dates
20-22 Sep 2024
Locations worldwide,
Diary dates
01-04 Oct 2024
REVĪVŌ Wellness Resort Nusa Dua Bali, Kabupaten Badung, Indonesia
Diary dates
09-13 Oct 2024
Soneva Fushi, Maldives
Diary dates
10 Oct 2024
QEII Conference Centre, London,
Diary dates
22-25 Oct 2024
Messe Stuttgart, Germany
Diary dates
24-24 Oct 2024
QEII Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom
Diary dates
04-07 Nov 2024
In person, St Andrews, United Kingdom
Diary dates
04-06 Feb 2025
Coventry Building Society Arena, Coventry, United Kingdom
Diary dates
11-13 Feb 2025
Fairmont Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
Diary dates
10-13 Apr 2025
Exhibition Centre , Cologne, Germany
Diary dates
07-07 Jun 2025
Worldwide, Various,
Diary dates
28-31 Oct 2025
Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany
Diary dates


The age of independents

Creating a community, injecting their personality into the club and going beyond the call of duty to support members are common themes among successful independents. Kath Hudson reports

By Kath Hudson | Published in Health Club Handbook 2017 issue 1

Fitness for those in need

Mickii Edwards Weight
Loss Academy, UK

Mickii Edwards
Mickii Edwards

Former rugby league player Mickii Edwards chooses to drive a Mini rather than a Range Rover, so he can plough more money into his club and give free memberships to people who need them, including those with cancer and chronic heart disease.

Everyone is given a fitness test when they join, and all members are then closely monitored using MYZONE. “I know how many calories they’re burning, what zone they’re in, and if they’re in pain and need to back off,” says Edwards.

“They come to the club four times a week and, as they’re assessed regularly and the work is stepped up on each visit, they’re always progressing. Outside of the gym, they’re asked to take photos of what they eat and drink, so I can keep track of their diet. If they eat fewer calories than they burn off, they’ll get results.”

And they do get results – some of them losing more than 10 stone (63.5kg) – not just because of Edwards’ constant support (people text him menus if they go out for a meal), but also because of the Facebook community through which members share advice and support. Every Monday there’s a weigh-in and a therapy session.

Launched in January 2015, the club has a studio upstairs and a gym downstairs. At peak times three classes are run, frequently including a children’s session so that the parents are able to work out.

Located in a deprived area of Lancashire, England, Edwards says there’s nothing in the area for people to do, so there are big social problems, with children as young as 14 taking drugs. Edwards has brought in psychologists and therapists to give education on healthy eating, as well as talks on alcohol and drug addiction.

Every other Friday, Edwards also organises an activity with a big group of young children, aiming to engage them in a healthy lifestyle while they’re young.

Edwards steps up the client workout every visit to maintain progress
Edwards steps up the client workout every visit to maintain progress

Fireman brand

Firehouse Fitness, UK

Former fire fighters McGuigan and Roebuck
Former fire fighters McGuigan and Roebuck

Former Sheffield fire fighters Rob McGuigan and Dennis Roebuck met at work and, sharing a love of health and fitness, started working out together on-shift. They incorporated calisthenics, Tabata, HIIT and functional training.

The route to opening their own club was driven by customer demand: they were approached by a colleague’s wife to train her and some friends. As word got around and more people joined the sessions, they rented a school gym three times a week.

Still more people joined, so in February 2015 they took the plunge. Located in a former warehouse, Firehouse Fitness spans 4,000sq ft (372sq m), which is divided into a functional training area and a gym, complete with free weights and cardio equipment supplied by SportsArt.

The vast majority of members come for the 45-minute coached sessions, of which there are seven a day. Despite being in a competitive fitness sector, membership is growing month by month.

“The whole thing has just exploded,” says McGuigan. “People seem very comfortable with us and are getting great results. We recommend that people come to work out three times a week, but lots of them come five times and some even come twice a day – before and after work.”

The membership is currently skewed towards women, with a 70/30 split. The majority are aged 26 to 35 years, although some are older. It costs £7 per class, or £34.50 a month for unlimited access.

The club has already evolved, with one extension and two add-on services: physiotherapy and meal preparation.

“People can pay £15 to have all their measurements taken and a bespoke diet programme put together,” says McGuigan. “They can either cook the meals themselves or buy them ready prepared for £5, to collect after their workout.”

The Firehouse Fitness team is now looking to replicate the success with a second, much bigger, site in Leeds measuring 14,000sq ft (1,300sq m). A franchise business is also being considered, but to maintain brand values, all the franchisees will have to be trained fire fighters.

Former fire fighters McGuigan and Roebuck offer seven 45-minute coached sessions a day, physiotherapy and meal preparation
Former fire fighters McGuigan and Roebuck offer seven 45-minute coached sessions a day, physiotherapy and meal preparation

Scientific approach

LifeLab, UK

Adam Daniel
Adam Daniel

We’re not interested in the aesthetics of looking good. LifeLab is about focusing on health, not image,” says founder Adam Daniel. “Our underlying philosophy is ‘train the human being, not the human body’.”

Based in affluent Chislehurst, Kent, England, LifeLab officially launched in October 2016. Two squash courts have been converted into two studios: one for small group training and one for PT.

The group training studio is kitted out with 10 Queenax units, TRX, TRX rips, Dynamax medicine balls, kettlebells, barbells and dumbbells. The PT studio has a Matrix power rack and lifting platform, a half rack, a Matrix Functional Trainer, two Wattbikes and a high-performance Power Plate.

Technology is integral to the offer: MYZONE to monitor workouts and improve motivation with monthly challenges; Boditrax to analyse data to improve the lifestyle of clients outside the gym; and First Beat to measure metrics like stress levels and sleep patterns, enabling the fitness team to create a strategy to help clients manage their own stress levels.

The upstairs gallery has been converted into a fuel lab, serving wholesome natural brands of drinks and snacks like energy bars. There are plans to make smoothies using fruit and veg from Daniel’s own allotment.

Six 45-minute HIIT or tribe team training sessions run daily, and as the membership grows, so will the number of classes. Classes cost £20 on a pay-as-you-go basis, with discounts for block-buy purchases.

“The age of our members ranges from students up to a 59-year-old. We have slightly more women than men, but as more men are starting to understand the concept, this split is changing. We’re also planning to work with local sports teams and promising young sports people,” says Daniel.

LifeLab has also teamed up with Loughborough University in Leicestershire, England, to offer students placements so they can gain practical industry experience.

Phase two will come on-stream this year. as the gym is based in a football club, in five acres of land, there are plans to develop a large outdoor group training area and recreate sports team-style training sessions aimed at 30- to 50-year-old men.

"Our underlying philosophy is ‘train the human being, not the human body’"

The LifeLab studio offers both group training (above) and personal training
The LifeLab studio offers both group training (above) and personal training

Aesthetically driven

Advantage Fitness, UK

Owner Chris Griffiths (middle)
Owner Chris Griffiths (middle)

Advantage Fitness is an aesthetically driven gym and we unashamedly set out to help our members change their body shape,” says owner Chris Griffiths. “We live in an aesthetically driven world. In my experience, whenever you ask anyone about their goals for joining a health club, it’s because they want to look better: being more fit and toned is a by product.”

Through offering effective personal training, nutritional advice and support to change behaviours, Advantage Fitness prides itself on helping its members to achieve fantastic body transformations.

A large percentage of members work with a personal trainer, who maintain consistent contact points across the week, either in person, by text or phone.

“However, we help all members obtain great results, even if it isn’t at the level of those having personal training. With our induction process and the way the reception is positioned, we talk with all our members on a regular basis,” says Griffiths.

For those living outwith the immediate catchment area, but who are serious about transforming their physique, distance mentoring is also offered, directing nutrition and training to the desired outcome.

Originally, the 4,200sq ft (390sq m) site was divided into a studio, a spin studio, a gym and two injury clinics but, following feedback from members, it has evolved into one massive gym and a large injury clinic.

The 70 workout stations comprise mainly resistance equipment, but there is also a large cardio zone. “All our equipment is colour coded to correspond to the body part that it works out,” says Griffiths.

“As well as making the gym user-friendly, the colours create a striking visual impact. We believe ourselves to be the first gym in the world to take this approach.”

Owner Chris Griffiths has installed equipment that’s colour-coded to the body part it works out
Owner Chris Griffiths has installed equipment that’s colour-coded to the body part it works out

Urban workout

Street Workout Place, Switzerland

Thomas Rindisbacher
Thomas Rindisbacher

Street Workout is an edgy, urban sport that uses bodyweight in a creative way: think parkour on monkey bars. Owner Thomas Rindisbacher, along with his brothers Roman and Michael and friend Eric Manser, have popularised the concept in Switzerland, getting council funding for 12 installations in parks around the country. Creating a gym to train indoors was therefore a natural progression.

Launched in December 2015 in Zurich, Street Workout Place has a workout area of around 200sq m (2,150sq ft), comprising two Street Workout parks with equipment designed by the team and built by Swiss company Alder + Eisenhut.

“There are low bars, high bars, monkey bars and parallel bars, which allow more than 300 different exercises to be undertaken,” says Rindisbacher.

“No additional weights are required. Street Workout uses a variety of exercises to work on the upper and lower body, and the core, as well as incorporating dynamic movements and holding movements.”

Rindisbacher says the customer journey was an important consideration when designing the club: “We wanted to make sure our members have a great experience, so firstly we wanted to be open 24 hours a day. This is common in a lot of places, but very unusual in Switzerland”.

Gantner technology has allowed for an all-in-one membership card which can grant entry to the club, operate lockers and facilitate all food and drink purchases.

The club is manned between 9.00am and 9.00pm, during which time a few coached sessions are also offered.

Alternatively, people can come and freestyle. Out-of-hours, a 42-inch touchscreen monitor offers interactive content.

Membership is €53 a month and members pay for a whole year upfront, which is common in Switzerland.

Rindisbacher says the concept is appealing to a modern, urban demographic who like to challenge themselves and don’t want to do a standard workout. The main audience is aged 20 to 40 years, with slightly more men than women (55/45 split).

“It’s been brilliant to see a community develop,” Rindisbacher says. “Members have formed groups and visit together, support each other and socialise. Street Workout is a lifestyle, not just a sport. It’s great to see this happening in our club.”

Rindisbacher has popularised creative urban workouts in Zurich
Rindisbacher has popularised creative urban workouts in Zurich
Sign up here to get HCM's weekly ezine and every issue of HCM magazine free on digital.
A selection of innovative projects from independent operators
Weight Loss Academy, UK Firehouse Fitness, UK LifeLab, UK Advantage Fitness, UK Street Workout Place, Switzerland,Weight Loss Academy, UK Firehouse Fitness, UK LifeLab, UK Advantage Fitness, UK Street Workout Place, Switzerland independent operators, Health and Fitness
Latest News
More than 200 organisations and athletes in the UK have signed an open letter to ...
Latest News
Diversity, equity and inclusion in the European fitness industry is examined in a new report ...
Latest News
Following the success of its first site in Whitefield, Total Fitness is launching a purpose-built ...
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David Beckham and F45 Training have finally settled the breach-of-contract lawsuit around Beckham’s ambassadorial agreement ...
Latest News
Apple has previewed the upcoming watchOS 11, which has more health and fitness insights and ...
Latest News
With just a few weeks until the General Election, CIMSPA – the organisation that represents people ...
Latest News
Co-founders of specialist gym and fitness wear company, WIT Fitness, have returned to the brand ...
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Basic-Fit has signed an agreement to sell five Holmes Place clubs it acquired as part ...
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The UK health and fitness is performing well, especially the private sector, with member numbers, ...
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David Lloyd Leisure has opened the doors of Madrid country club, La Finca, which it ...
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Leisure development specialist, Alliance Leisure, has appointed industry veteran, David Stalker, as advisor to the ...
Featured supplier news
Featured supplier news: Explosion of passion for fitness at RiminiWellness 2024 and record success for Panatta
The passion for fitness and bodybuilding reached new heights at the Panatta stands during RiminiWellness (30 May – 2 June 20204) – the largest fitness event in Italy – which this year exceeded the 100,000 visitor mark.
Featured supplier news
Featured supplier news: CoverMe Fitness launches in Australian market
CoverMe Fitness, the studio management app for the fitness industry, has launched in Australia, with industry veteran Tony Zonato as managing director for the region.
Company profiles
Company profile: Seca
As the world market leader of medical measuring and weighing we take body composition analysis ...
Company profiles
Company profile: PSLT Ltd
PSLT Fitness Solutions manufacture, remanufacture and buy back commercial gym equipment. We supply and maintain ...
Supplier Showcases
Supplier showcase - Matrix: Futureproofing
Supplier Showcases
Supplier showcase - Safe Space: Delivering the vision
Catalogue Gallery
Click on a catalogue to view it online
Featured press releases
GYMNATION press release: GymNation celebrates double victory at UAE Employee Happiness Awards
GymNation, the UAE’s largest gym chain, is proud to announce its outstanding achievements at the UAE Employee Happiness Awards.
Featured press releases
seca Ltd press release: Seca Tru and Physical bring best-in-class body composition analysis to gyms
Seca Tru is delighted to announce a new UK partnership with fitness market leader Physical. The agreement will see Physical distribute the Seca Tru product across the breadth of the UK fitness industry.
Crown Sports Lockers: Lockers
Total Vibration Solutions / TVS Sports Surfaces: Flooring
Spa software
SpaBooker: Spa software
Salt therapy products
Himalayan Source: Salt therapy products
TechnoAlpin SpA: Snowroom
Art of Cryo: Cryotherapy
Property & Tenders
Cleveland Lakes, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire
Cotswold Lakes Trust
Property & Tenders
Loughton, IG10
Knight Frank
Property & Tenders
Diary dates
03-05 Sep 2024
IMPACT Exhibition Center, Bangkok, Thailand
Diary dates
08-10 Sep 2024
Wyndham® Lake Buena Vista Disney Springs™ Resort, Lake Buena Vista, United States
Diary dates
19-19 Sep 2024
The Salil Hotel Riverside - Bangkok, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Diary dates
20-22 Sep 2024
Locations worldwide,
Diary dates
01-04 Oct 2024
REVĪVŌ Wellness Resort Nusa Dua Bali, Kabupaten Badung, Indonesia
Diary dates
09-13 Oct 2024
Soneva Fushi, Maldives
Diary dates
10 Oct 2024
QEII Conference Centre, London,
Diary dates
22-25 Oct 2024
Messe Stuttgart, Germany
Diary dates
24-24 Oct 2024
QEII Conference Centre, London, United Kingdom
Diary dates
04-07 Nov 2024
In person, St Andrews, United Kingdom
Diary dates
04-06 Feb 2025
Coventry Building Society Arena, Coventry, United Kingdom
Diary dates
11-13 Feb 2025
Fairmont Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
Diary dates
10-13 Apr 2025
Exhibition Centre , Cologne, Germany
Diary dates
07-07 Jun 2025
Worldwide, Various,
Diary dates
28-31 Oct 2025
Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany
Diary dates
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